YORK GHOST MERCHANTS is a cultural phenomenon.
The concept of the brand is selling miniature model “ghosts” that are handcrafted on-site above the shop where they are sold, using artisan tools and methods from yesteryear. Based in York’s iconic “shambles” district the ghosts are based on real ghost stories from York’s infamous ghoulish buildings and places. I was tasked with creating a number of designs for POS items to further capitalise on the popularity of the brand to increase revenue and provide customers with some lower price point items and additional offerings to remember their visit and unique experience at YGM.

 York Ghost Merchants ghost cards.

York Ghost Merchants ghost cards.

 York Ghost Merchants poem cards.

York Ghost Merchants poem cards.

 York Ghost Merchants Ghost Map.

York Ghost Merchants Ghost Map.

 York Ghost Merchants Ghost Hunt notebooks and pencils.

York Ghost Merchants Ghost Hunt notebooks and pencils.